Offshore Risk Assessment – New Edition

The book Offshore Risk Assessment (Springer) now has had a life of 20 years, since first publication in 1999. The Second Edition was published in 2007 and the Third Edition was published in 2013. While the two first editions were published in hard copy only, e-book and hard copy have been available since the Third Edition. Especially the electronic option has contributed to increased sales in the later years, but sales has been quite good in all 20 years.

The updated and revised manuscript for the Fourth Edition was submitted to the publishers just before Easter, with the book expected to appear in Third Quarter this year.

A new chapter on Normally Unmanned Installations (NUI), also covering the future Unmanned Production Platform (UPP), is the significant extension of the manuscript, in addition to numerous updatings of statistics and topics, see also a previous post.

The authors are grateful for the financial support from Dept of Marine Technology (NTNU), who financed a summer student in 2018 to assist in the manuscript preparation.
