Hydrocarbon leaks research

The Risk_OMT project developed a model for risk analysis of hydrocarbon leaks on offshore installations. The work was based on hydrocarbon leaks in the Norwegian sector in the period 2001-2005. The data basis has been further improved through research financed by Preventor in 2011, and has resulted in a series of papers called “HC Leak Quartet”.

Earlier papers in relation to hydrocarbon leaks:

Analysis of Hydrocarbon Leaks on Offshore Installations, presented at ESREL2007, Stavanger, 25-27.09 2007.(Vinnem et al., 2007)

Analysis of root causes of major hazard precursors (hydrocarbon leaks) in the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 95, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 1142-1153. (Vinnem et al., 2010)

Analysis of Causes of Hydrocarbon Leaks from Process Plants, presented at SPE European Health, Safety and Environmental Conference in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production held in Vienna, Austria, 22-24 February 2011. (Haugen et al., 2011)