Recent papers

Fiver most recent papers published/accepted for publication:

Vinnem, J.E., (2013). On the development of failure model for hydrocarbon leaks during maintenance work in process plants on offshore petroleum installations, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 113/1, 112–121

Vinnem, J.E., (2014). Analysis of Hydrocarbon Leaks and Verification as an Operational Barrier, Journal of Risk Research, DOI:10.1080/13669877.2014.913661

Vinnem, J.E., Røed, W. (2014). Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry Project to Reduce Hydrocarbon Leaks, SPE-164981-PA, SPE Economics & Management, 6/02, pp 88 – 99

Vinnem, J.E. (2014). Uncertainties in a risk management context in early phases of offshore petroleum field development, Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 32, pp. 767–776

Vinnem, J.E. (2015). Evaluation of the Norwegian major hazard risk management approach for offshore installations in the concept selection phase, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B. Mechanical Engineering (to be published)