Barrier management & Risk indicators

Barrier management has been a focus area in the Norwegian petroleum industry for some years. Extensive interest in this field grew out of an extensive research focus on monitoring of major hazard risk through indicators, with extensive projects for PSA and oil companies, and a substantial scientific production.



Vinnem, Aven, Husebø, Seljelid and Tveit (2006)"Major hazard risk indicators for monitoring of trends in the Norwegian offshore petroleum sector"
Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety, Volume 91, Issues 7, July 2006, 778-7
Vinnem (2010)"Risk indicators for major hazards on offshore installations"
Safety Science, 48, 770-787
Skogdalen Utne & Vinnem (2011) "Developing safety indicators for preventing offshore oil and gas
deepwater drilling blowouts",
Safety Science 49, pp. 1187–1199