Offshore Risk Assessment published

The 4th Edition of the Offshore Risk Assessment was published by springer around 1st October 2019, marking the 20 year aniversary for the publication of the 1st Edition in 1999. A new chapter on Normally Unmanned Installations (NUI), also covering the future Unmanned Production Platform (UPP), is the significant extension of the manuscript, in addition … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Norwegian Minister for Public Security

Just over half a year ago, I proposed that we needed “a new Kåre Willoch”, in order to reemphasize the focus on the need for a Ministry of Safety and Emergency. Today with the new government, we got it half way! We have got a new Minister for public security, but the responsibility for preventive … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

PSA auditted

The Auditor General’s report on the supervisory practices of PSA was presented in mid January 2019 (report in Norwegian). PSA was severely criticised for not choosing practices which ensure that the industry complies with the regulations, based on detailed assessment of 4 cases (Goliat, Songa Endurence, Mongstad, Nyhamna). PSA has commented that they already have … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Do we not need more HES research in offshore petroleum?

There has been no new funding of HES (Health, Environment and Safety) research projects from the Norwegian Research Council in 2018, and according to the published plans for 2019, no new budgets for HES projects in 2019. After 2012, there were no new budget for HES research until 2017, which is so far the last … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Should Equinor withdraw from Gulf of Mexico operations?

Professors Ingrid B. Utne and Jan Erik Vinnem have published a chronicle (in Norwegian) in Dagens Næringsliv (link) proposing that Equinor should withdraw from petroleum operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The actions taken after the Macondo disaster were few, and now some of these are being withdrawn by the President. This appears to completely … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Offshore Risk Assessment, 4th Edition

Currently the updating of the two volume book Offshore Risk Assessment (Springer) has started after the summer holidays. The manuscript of the 4th Edition of the book will be delivered to the publishers in the first quarter 2019, to be published thereafter. The new edition will summarise the latest research and developments, but will also … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Increased focus on construction and maintenance vessels

Safetec, assisted by Preventor and Oslo Economics, has carried out a study for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in order to describe the expected new operational modes for the Norwegian sector, and the implications for use of construction and maintenance vessels in the petroleum activities. The study (in Norwegian only) also identifies the … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

PSA and ENI – a biblical analogy?

Most of us have some faint recollection of the battle between David and Goliath from the Old testament in the Bible. The giant Goliath was defeated by the young David from Bethlehem by a cunny trick. Recent events may bring some thoughts back to this story, when PSA is demanding that ENI may not start … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Learning the lessons from explosion on FPSO Cidade de São Mateus

Nearly 3 years ago, in February 2015, the BW Offshore owned FPSO experienced a severe explosion during normal operation in Brazil for Petrobras. A relatively small condensate leak was ignited during clean-up operations, with personnel present. 9 employees died in the accident, and it took a long time before survivors onboard were rescued. It has … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

PSA to be audited

The Office of the Auditor General Norway has decided to perform an audit of PSA’s work in order to ensure that the practice adopted by PSA with respect to supervisory activities fulfills the decisions and premises of the Norwegian parliament (Storting). This is welcomed by the PSA management. Some union representatives and the leader of … Continue Reading »

News, R&D