70 year celebration lecture

On 9th December ESRA Norway marked Jan Erik’s 70 yr aniversary in October with a webinar. About 55 joined in, actually singing the Norwegian version of ‘Congratulations’ in unison as a start, very nice! Three key presentations, the first by Jan Erik, sparked some discussion and interest. His main messages: The petroleum industry needs to … Continue Reading »


Risk Management Summit Webinar

The NPF’s Risk Management Summit, 28 – 29 April 2020, will this year be a webinar for a reduced fee. The virus risk evaluation models will also be presented. Please register here.


Delayed cruise safety study

Just before christmas in 2019 it was announced that the government would appoint a study group to prepare an NOU (white paper) about cruise risk and possible risk reducing measures (see previous post). It was expected that the appointment of the group would be done in 1st quater of 2020, under the coordination of the … Continue Reading »


Cruise safety study

The Norwegian cabinet issued on 14th December a press release stating that they early in 2020 will appoint a committee to study in detail emergency preparedness for large cruise ships along the Norwegian coast, and the possible actions that can be taken to reduce the risk of catastrophes. This is in accordance with the proposal … Continue Reading »


Offshore Risk Assessment published

The 4th Edition of the Offshore Risk Assessment was published by springer around 1st October 2019, marking the 20 year aniversary for the publication of the 1st Edition in 1999. A new chapter on Normally Unmanned Installations (NUI), also covering the future Unmanned Production Platform (UPP), is the significant extension of the manuscript, in addition … Continue Reading »

News, R&D

Construction and service vessels on NCS

Several interesting reports have been published this summer relating to construction and service vessels on the Norwegian Continental shelf, mainly engaged in underwater construction and maintenance. A tripartite working group under leadership of Ministry of work and Social affairs published its report in July, demonstrating that the employers and workers’ unions do not at all … Continue Reading »


Offshore Risk Assessment – New Edition

The book Offshore Risk Assessment (Springer) now has had a life of 20 years, since first publication in 1999. The Second Edition was published in 2007 and the Third Edition was published in 2013. While the two first editions were published in hard copy only, e-book and hard copy have been available since the Third Edition. Especially the electronic option has contributed to increased sales in the later years, but sales has been quite good in all 20 years.

The updated and revised manuscript for the Fourth Edition was submitted to the publishers just before Easter, with the book expected to appear in Third Quarter this year.

A new chapter on Normally Unmanned Installations (NUI), also covering the future Unmanned Production Platform (UPP), is the significant extension of the manuscript, in addition to numerous updatings of statistics and topics, see also a previous post.

The authors are grateful for the financial support from Dept of Marine Technology (NTNU), who financed a summer student in 2018 to assist in the manuscript preparation.


Study urgently needed

Professors Ingrid B Utne and Jan Erik Vinnem, NTNU, have sent a letter to the Prime minister of Norway to propose that safety and emergency preparedness of the cruise traffic along the Norwegian coast should be studied in order to establish how this can be organized in a safe and sustainable manner. This follows a … Continue Reading »


Cruising along the Norwegian coast?

The article about the need to rethink cruise ships safety along the Norwegian coast in winter months in Dagens Næringsliv has cought some wide spread interest. The article was republished by several others papers. The interview in Klassekampen (in Norwegian, login required) was perhaps the most interesting. A follow-up article by Professors Utne & Vinnem … Continue Reading »


Safety in the marine world?

The very close call with the cruise vessel Viking Sky outside Hustadvika on 23rh March pinpoints a new challenge for Norway, whereby cruise vessels are not restricted to summer months and venture far North (Viking Sky had been to Alta). If Viking Sky had grounded on Hustadvika, we would probably have seen more deaths than … Continue Reading »
